Terms and conditions
- At the first treatment, the referral details from the referrer should be handed in complete and fully completed.
- All insurance details should be included.
- For hygienic reasons, the client should be clean for therapy and bring a towel.
- The client is responsible for checking how they are insured and what costs for therapy are reimbursed.
- Any costs that are no longer covered by the health insurance company will be paid by the client himself.
- Information, images, statements, etc. provided during sessions are to be used only as such and may not be used for other purposes.
- Physio & Motion reserves the right of entry.
- While exercising, wearing clean sportswear and using a towel is mandatory.
- Only athletic shoes that are clean and do not leave marks may be worn in the sports areas.
- The centre should be entered with clean shoes for hygienic reasons.
- Lost property will be kept for 8 days.
- Smoking is prohibited throughout the building.
- No drinks and/or food may be taken / consumed throughout the building.
- Fysio & Motion is not liable for theft, loss or accidents in and around the centre unless this is due to intent or gross negligence.
- Fysio & Motion, in case of non-timely payment of bills by the client, delegates the settlement of the billing to the legal advice and collection agency “Medicas” (see payment conditions).
- Anyone coming to Fysio & Motion automatically and unconditionally submits to the provisions of these regulations.
- Fysio & Motion also has a privacy policy | complaints procedure. See relevant pages for this
- See our rates here: Rates
- You should follow the instructions/directions of the therapist and/or authorised staff when performing exercises and/or using equipment.
- Do not use tight-fitting clothing during therapy, which may make breathing difficult.
- You should always report in advance any medication that may affect your physical condition during exercise.
Terms of payment
(MediCas B.V. | Filed with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Breda 20107395)
- These terms and conditions apply to all services, deliveries and treatment agreements provided by any person -natural or legal- working in the health care sector and affiliated with MediCas. The client is informed of this at the first consultation through the reference to the general terms and conditions on the appointment card.
- The costs of treatment of, supply and/or service to minors, who do not have the judgement of distinction, are charged to the legal representatives. In the case of minors, who have reached the age of 16 years, this judgement of discernment is deemed to be present and the costs will be charged to them, unless the legal representatives confirm in writing that they will pay the costs.
- For treatments, appointments should be cancelled – if necessary – at least 24 hours before the start of the treatment. In case of no or late cancellation, i.e. within 24 hours before the appointment, the right is reserved to charge the patient for the time reserved for the patient.
- Questions and/or complaints regarding invoiced costs can only be dealt with if they are submitted to the doctor in writing, stating reasons, no later than 15 days after the date of the invoice. Questions and/or complaints regarding invoices submitted after the aforementioned period of 15 days will no longer be dealt with. In that case, the statements are considered correct and established between the parties. Questions and/or complaints do not suspend the patient’s payment obligations.
- All payments must be made by the patient within 15 days of the date of the invoice. Payments are first deducted from the oldest outstanding debts. A maximum amount of € 12.50 may be charged each time for sending reminders and demands for payment.
- In the event of non-payment within 15 days of the date of the bill by the patient, the patient is in default without further notice or notice of default. The interest payable by patient on the principal sum from the date of default until the day of full payment is 1.5% per month or part thereof.
- All (extra)judicial collection costs incurred to obtain payment of the invoice in or out of court are for the account of patient. The extrajudicial collection costs amount to a minimum of 15% of the principal sum with a minimum of € 54.00 all amounts excluding VAT.
MediCas B.V.
Postbus 6537
4802 HM Breda
The products shown on this website are compiled with care by Paramedisch Centrum Nederland. However, due to the electronic environment, the accuracy and completeness of text or image material cannot always be guaranteed. If information obtained differs from that on our website, the content of the relevant document on our website is deemed to be correct.